Monday, October 27, 2008


I have emerged from a rather deep writer's pit and have thus begun my fictional short story. After a few misfired attempts, I have begun the story of Stevie. Stevie, at five feet even and 96 pounds, is convinced he may very well never have a girlfriend. Realizing he will probably wind up a loser, he sets out to change his life with three goals: 1) Become the nicest guy ever. 2) Become the most honest guy ever. 3) Bulk up. The story begins as sort of the humorous ways Stevie's life changes because of these three goals. In the midst of being the nicest guy ever, he winds up befriending the new girl. The new girl struggles with anorexia, and I think she just might die in the end.

The questions left swirling around in my strange little mind are such: What is the climax? How is the friendship between Stevie and the anorexic developed? What strain does anorexia have on a friendship? Can being the most honest guy ever be a bad thing? What is the anorexic girl's name? How does the story end? Is there a relationship of more than friendship between Stevie and the anorexic? What is the general point of it? And can I tell this story adequately as a "short story?"

So, it still needs work, but I am just excited by how Stevie's voice came out and how the writing is flowing. And I find the beginnings to be mildly humorous (it will be left to find out if anyone else agrees).


Lisa Owens said...

How can you be the nicest person, and the most honest? I know this sounds horrible, but you can't always be nice and honest at the same time. What if someone asks if you like their new hair-cut, and you hate it? To be nice you would say it looks great. To be honest you would tell them you hate it. Just a thought.

Val said...

Lisa Owens you are right. I am ready to shoot my laptop and scream. I'm angry at the world of writing. Well, his name is now Chess. And he is only the nicest guy in the world, not the most honest. And this story is slowly progressing into severe levels of lameness....