Saturday, January 3, 2009


I have a rather serious addiction to books. I set aside grocery money every week to stalk the book sections of Deseret Industries and the Catholic Thrift Shoppe. I love used books. It is fantastic, of course, to find a used book in mint condition for cheap, but sometimes it is more fun to find a clearly well loved copy. I have also found recommendations of a creative writing I took this fall to be superb.

As of lately, down time at work has afforded a fair deal of free time to read. So, here goes some recommendations of recently (as in the past few months) read books.

I am an ardent lover of poetry. For those who share a similar love I recommend:
  • The McSweeney's Book of Poets Picking Poets
  • Poetry 180, Billy Collins
  • Good Poems, Garrison Keillor
I have recently discovered the short story. For those learning to love it try these short stories in particular and others from the collections in which they are found:
  • "Keith," The Hotel Eden, Ron Carlson
  • "Note To Sixth Grade Self," How To Breathe Underwater, Julie Orringer
  • "A Temporary Matter," The New Granta Book of the American Short Story, Jhumpa Lahiri'
For those interested in creative nonfiction:
  • In Fact: The Best of Creative Nonfiction, Annie Dillard
And lastly, the novel. Here is where I ask for recommendations. It has been too long since I was entirely engrossed in a novel. I did try a few of the popular reads, like Memoirs of a Geisha and The Kite Runner. I would recommend the latter, as for Memoirs of a Geisha, it was beautifully written, but a frustrating plot. Any suggestions of purely engrossing novels?

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